Iceland Unique Island
About the book
The photography book Unique Island by photographer Kristján Inga Einarsson is his sixth book of country photography. Kristján’s previous books have been among Iceland’s most popular and best-selling country introduction books in recent years.
The content of this book, Unique Island, is such that the content is divided into chapters by country quarter, as well as discussing the popular tourist trail “The Golden Circle” on the one hand, and the highland itself on the other hand. Text and photo explanations of the bubble are by Ara Trausta Guðmundsson, geologist and member of parliament.
Kristján Ingi has photographed our country in tens of thousands of pictures, back and forth, to the sea and the countryside, all over the country. The photographer is therefore aware of the importance of nature conservation and good handling of the land and how important it is to be able to pass it on undamaged to future generations.
With this new book, Unique Island, Kristján Ingi wants to give back and to that end will donate 5% of the sales of each book to Landvernd as a token of his gratitude for countless hours of pleasure in Icelandic nature. Has Kristján made a special cooperation agreement with Landvernd in that regard.