I hate Dolphins by Dagsson
About the book
A collection of heartwarming comics by the versatile artist Hugleik Dagsson.
This anthology is in English, but Hugleik’s books have already been published in over 10 countries and two continents. He has also written plays, hosted radio shows, made videos and worked on art.
The topics in this latest book are quite familiar to fans of Hugleik; there is, among other things, almost alcoholism, alienation, butt-slamming, pranks and general hatred – all with a suitable dose of pleasant irony.
“This is simply offensive trash, so-called cartoons by someone with as much drawing talent as my dog, and strap-lines that are as offensive as they could possibly be – Have I made my point yet? I made the mistake of opening it to see what was inside, and immediately felt cheapened, soiled, even. If it’s meant to be funny, it isn’t. The writer-come-artist is utterly without talent and this should never have made it to print. It is vile, crude and disgusting, and those are just the good things I can think of to say about it. I don’t want it in my house, it’s going in the bin to be recycled into paper for a more deserving title. Dagsson is apparently the most famous cartoonist in Iceland – god help them if that’s true!”
Gateway Monthly