ZZZ History of Iceland
About the book
An Ancient Culture´s Route to the Modern Age
A lively and absorbing description of the development of the Icelandic nation from the settlement more than eleven hundred years ago up to the present dag. In concise and highly informative accounts, weitten with the general reader in mind, the book charts the glories and achievements of the Republic and Saga Age, the bitter and bloddy civil war which led to humilation and suffering under colonial rule, and the nationalist awakening which has created a thriving modern republic with a deep attachment to tis unique past.
The author, Jón R. Hjálmarsson, studied history and linguistics at the University of Oslo, Norway, and education at the University of Iceland and Northwestern University, Illinois. He was a teacher of history and a school principal for many years and has served as regional administrator of education in south Iceland. He is the author of several books on history and related subjects. This book is partly based on his experience as a guide with visitors to Iceland.