A gigant love Story

About the book
A Giant Love Story, by Guðrún Helgadóttir and Brian Pilkington, is one of Iceland’s most popular children’s books. It was first published in Iceland in 1981 and has since been translated into several other languages.
A Giant Love Story gives you an unforgettable insight into the magic world of Icelandic legend and folklore. It is an exciting story – filled with love, compassion and humour, that relates to children all over the world.

Guðrún Helgadóttir is one of Iceland’s most beloved writers of children’s books, and has received both Icelandic and foreign awards for her work, including the Nordic Children’s Book Award.
Brian Pilkington is a well-known artist in Iceland. His exceptionally beautiful and lively illustrations in A Giant Love Story give the story an aura of adventure.