13 Yule lads – 13 Jólasveinar, English

About the book
Many people have a hard time remembering the order in which the blessed Santa Clauses come to the settlements. Now a really fun book has been published that solves that problem in one go and also teaches readers about many useful things about the thirteen lads.

Did you know, for example, that Stekkjarstaur is a bit of a mama’s boy?
Or why beware of having a lot of toe socks in children’s rooms around December 22?
Yes, or why does Grýla rarely have to do the dishes?

In the book about the thirteen Santas, there is also information about the favorite food and goodies of the different Santas and good advice on how to best get to know them and have fun. There you can also find all kinds of Christmas tidbits, for example about how to wish people a Merry Christmas in various languages ​​- even in sign language.

The author of the text and pictures in the book about the thirteen Santa Clauses is a versatile artist named Brian Pilkington, who is credited with quite a few works of art in Icelandic children’s books, as well as having worked widely as a cartoonist and illustrator.